Protect your Body and Mind from EMF
The world suffers from "electromagnetic contamination", "e-smog", or "Electromagnetic pollution". The widespread use of technology that radiates EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field), EMR (Electro-Magnetic Radiation), and ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) constantly bombards the human body affecting its Biofield.
"EMF Pollution may be the most significant form of pollution
that human activity has produced in this century,
all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible.”
EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) is a term used to describe an invisible form of man-made frequencies, transmitted through the atmosphere. Some common forms of EMR are: TV and Radio waves, Microwaves, Radar, X -rays etc.
EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) is a term used to describe the invisible electric and magnetic fields radiating away from man-made alternating electrical current. EMF radiate from all electrical appliances in the home, office or factory, in cars, trucks and buses, also overhead tram and train lines.
Together, these are usually referred to as "Electro-Pollution" or simply as EMF.
Are EMFs Hazardous to Our Health?
Can electromagnetic fields (EMF) from power lines, home wiring, airport and military radar, substations, transformers, computers and appliances cause brain tumors, leukemia, birth defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, headaches, cataracts, heart problems, stress. nausea, chest pain, forgetfulness, cancer and other health problems?
"EMF pollution is killing us,
do something about it,
get a Bionic Band !"
At the heart of the matter is a relatively simple and well-understood physical phenomenon: When an electric current passes through a wire, it generates an electromagnetic field that exerts forces on surrounding objects, whatever that object might be --- human cells included !!!
Time, the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and popular computer publications and even the Department of Energy and the EPA report that "It has now become generally accepted that there are, indeed, biological effects due to EMF field exposure."
Hundreds of studies had been conducted worldwide which indicate a link between EMFs and serious health problems. Many lab tests have confirmed that EMFs affect living cells in many harmful ways.
We don't realize that we are exposed to hundreds of thousands times more electromagnetic fields than in past generations. In fact: "Scientists estimate that your daily exposure to EMF radiation is 100 Million Times higher today than it was in your grandparents' time!" (reported by
A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that invisible electromagnetic fields (EMFs) -- created by everything from high-voltage utility company lines to personal computers, microwave ovens, TVs and even electric blankets -- are linked to a frightening array of cancers and other serious health problems in children and adults. EMFs can also disturb the production of the hormone melatonin, which is linked with sleep patterns. There is strong evidence that children exposed to EMFs have a higher risk of leukemia. One indicated a tie between occupational exposure to EMFs and Alzheimer' s disease.
There is much controversy over the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health. One thing is certain, that the level of electro-pollution (electro-magnetic fields) is at an all time high and rising, and coincidentally, so are human diseases.
Scientific studies have shown that EMF exposure has a cumulative effect, increasing over time. Be sure to reduce the risks for your children who face a lifetime of exposure and those with poorer health conditions, they are especially at risk.
Depletion of your body's bio energy causes a lowered energetic capability at a fundamental atomic level. Disturbance of the body's inherent electronic signaling system results in disruptions to cellular functions and a compromised immune system. Quite simply, your body systems are no longer able to work in the way that they would if such destructive interference from EMF was not imposed on you.
The Medical Connection
Just how EMFs affect humans is still not entirely known (and will be never admitted by the Industry or by Government). Researchers are trying to pinpoint ways in which EMFs might cause cells to grow and multiply abnormally.
Some studies suggest that EMFs may promote cancer by interfering with the transmission of calcium across the cell membrane, a flow that governs such processes as muscle contraction, egg fertilization, cell division, and growth. EMFs may also disturb a cell's ability to process hormone, enzyme, and other biological signals that regulate normal growth.
EMFs are known to affect nerve impulses. Melatonin, a regulatory hormone secreted by the pineal gland near the brain, ordinarily stimulates immune responses and may suppress tumor growth. Reduced melatonin production has been linked to breast and prostate cancer. Melatonin secretion in turn is controlled by norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Receptors for its relative, the hormone epinephrine, are disturbed by EMFs.
A San Antonio researcher discovered human cancer cells exposed to 60 Hz fields (the frequency of a high-voltage line) grew as much as 24 times as fast as unexposed cells and showed greatly increased resistance to destruction by the cells of the body's defense system.